K. Patricia Cross endowed the Cross Chair in the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning at Illinois State University in honor of her father, Clarence L. Cross, a beloved teacher of physics at ISU for over 30 years. The Office of the Cross Chair supports and enables the demonstration of Illinois State University’s commitment to the promotion of scholarship and research on the teaching and learning of Illinois State University students.
In June of 2022, the Cross Chair was merged into the Center for Integrated Professional Development (formerly known as CTLT), with the Chair now serving as the Director of Scholarly Teaching. This reimagined unit supports evidence-based teaching, online learning, and other aspects of instructors' professional lives. Learn more at ProDev.IllinoisState.edu.
The SoTL Advocate publishes posts of opinions about the field of SoTL, examples of SoTL projects, shared SoTL resources and tips, and information about SoTL workshops, conference, and other opportunities. Some posts are targeted to members of the ISU community but most are of interest to the broader SoTL community.
Gauisus is the internal, peer-reviewed, multi-media, on-line scholarship of teaching and learning publication at Illinois State University.
“Articles from Gaisus are currently being migrated to a new repository. If you need help locating one of the articles listed here, please contact SoTL@IllinoisState.edu with the issue, author, and title, and we will send you a copy.”