The SoTL Resource Group is a group of faculty/staff with expertise/experience in one or more areas of SoTL. This might be expertise in doing SoTL (e.g., designing studies, doing analyses, finding appropriate literature) or expertise in a substantive area on which one might conduct SoTL (e.g., collaborative learning, writing-across-the-curriculum, use of instructional technology).
Each of these individuals has agreed to serve as a volunteer resource person to others interested in doing SoTL. For each resource group member (they are listed in alphabetical order by last name), his/her contact information and area(s) or expertise are listed. You may contact any of these individuals to request advice or assistance with a SoTL project. Please note that those individuals with an asterisk (*) following their name served as a SoTL Scholar-Mentor for at least one semester and, as such, have cross-disciplinary SoTL experience.
If you have expertise in doing SoTL work and would like to become a member of this group, please contact
Associate Professor, Family & Consumer Sciences
(309) 438-3256
Learning theory, interrupted case studies as a pedagogical method
Associate Professor, Art Education
(309) 438-7352
International art education, arts-based research, contemporary art and art education
Associate Professor, Politics and Government
(309) 438-8923
Disciplinary and cross-disciplinary SoTL projects, civic engagement, service learning, collaborative research
Cross Endowed Chair in SoTL and Associate Professor, Communication Sciences and Disorders
(309) 438-7706
Designing and conducting SoTL, dissemination of SoTL, application of SoTL, mentoring students/faculty in SoTL, SoTL Advocacy
Professor, Technology
(309) 438-5576
Teaching and learning in STEM-related fields, data mining algorithms for descriptive and predictive analytics
Associate Professor, Languages, Literatures, & Cultures
(309) 438-7874
SoTL assessment and student outcomes, teacher education and evaluation, civic engagement, service learning
Associate Professor, History
(309) 438-5424
Discipline-specific cognition and pedagogy, teacher education, study abroad
Professor, Psychology
(309) 438-7863
SoTL research methodology, IRB preparation/implementation, out-of-class learning
Professor Emeritus, Teaching and Learning
Instructional/clinical supervision for the improvement of college teachers, providing conceptual frameworks for the development of college teaching programs in higher education
Professor, Educational Administration & Foundations
(309) 438-8683
involving students in SoTL research, student learning from out-of-class experiences, students as members of research teams, designing and publishing SoTL studies
Cross Chair Emeritus and Professor Emeritus, Sociology/Anthropology
Designing and conducting various forms of SoTL, writing/submitting/revising/resubmitting manuscripts for publication to SoTL outlets, SoTL publication outlets
Associate Professor, Teaching and Learning
(309) 438-7566
SoTL work related to out-of-class learning (including study abroad and clinical experiences), student learning outcomes of in-class projects and assignments
Associate Professor and Mass Media Program Coordinator, Communication
(309) 438-3298
Documentary as a SoTL method, collaborative learning, civic engagement, free speech, participatory research
Professor, Criminal Justice Science
(309) 438-2739
Web-based teaching and learning, gender and pedagogy, autonomous learning and student engagement
Professor and Chair, Agriculture
(309) 438-8550
Evaluation the effects of critical thinking pedagogies, applying course concepts to real-world situation, collaborative learning pedagogies and their relationship to comprehension of course material
Associate Professor and Dietetic Internship Director, Family & Consumer Sciences
(309) 438-7031
Out-of-class learning, service learning, graduate student learning, learning through teaching
Professor, Communication
(309) 438-7550
Student perceptions of innovative assignments and student engagement, publishing SoTL work, evaluation fidelity, and teacher characteristics that improve learning
Assistant Professor, Communication Sciences and Disorders
(309) 438-5437
Metacognition, clinical simulation, educational gaming, learning though teaching
Associate Professor, Criminal Justice Science
(309) 438-3221
SoTL research methods, student-centered learning, student as active research participants, active learning strategies, civic engagement
Dean, Milner Library
(309) 438-7215
Libraries, organizational development, information literacy