Materials, Papers, Tutorials, and Bibliographies
The scholarship of teaching and learning involves the systematic study of teaching and/or learning of our students and the public sharing and review of such work through presentations, videos, web representations, performances, or publications.
SoTL Videos (from Elon University)
Scholarly Teaching Podcasts at ISU
SoTL Podcasts
Recurring SoTL Podcast Series
- Dr. Jace Hargis features weekly podcasts on SoTL topics on his blog. Each is accompanied by a brief introductory article to introduce the week’s topic.
Individual SoTL Podcasts
SoTL Annotated Database
This database has been created to provide annotated literature resources for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning, with over 30 different topics represented at this time.
SoTL Readings
Getting Started With SoTL
SoTL Project Design
Publishing SoTL Work
General Teaching & Learning Resources
PowerPoint Slides from Cross Chair Sponsored Workshops